Until the end of the 1990s, reports of various experiments on the unconscious and lively counterarguments to them.
彼は、「blue(青)」 や「red (赤)」などの色に関する単語をフラッシュしました。
「私には何の単語も見えなかった」という被験者の実験終了時の報告は、 彼らがプライムワードをまったく見なかったことの確たる証拠にはならない。
プライムワードに被験者が気づいたか否かの評価は、 可能な限り客観的に細心の注意を払って下される必要がある。
不整合なケース (Frape〈フレイプ〉」と「joy〈喜び〉」など)
おそらく被験者は、限られた時間のなかで同じ単語に頻繁に反応したために、 意味ではなく文字列そのものを「ポジティブ」か「ネガティブ」かに結びつけたのかもしれない。
被験者が、「happy」という単語をポジティブなものとして意識的に20回分類したあとに、被験者の脳には、「文字列 〈h-a-p-p-y> ポジティブ〉」という、意味が捨てられ、直接的な反応経路ができ上がったのかもしれない。
Until the end of the 1990s, reports of various experiments on the unconscious and lively counterarguments to them.
By studying "Study of Consciousness", I would like to think about my own method in addition to the coaching theory such as the method of unconscious rewriting.
This series of blog posts is my study note.
Research has shown that the Grand Master of Chess can evaluate the placement of pieces and memorize the details by automatically dividing the board into meaningful components and analyzing them at a glance. It has been proven.
From the 1970s to the end of the 1990s, various experiments on the unconscious were carried out.
It seems that there was an exchange such as a lively counterargument to it.
An experiment by Anthony Marcel, a psychologist at the University of Cambridge in the 1970s.
Using masking technology, flash words only for periods below the limit of conscious perception.
All subjects reported seeing nothing by this method.
Subject could not perceive, even if he taught that there were some hidden words.
He flashed words about colors such as "blue" and "red".
Subject reported that he could not see the flushed word,
The next time he asked to choose the corresponding color, he responded about one-twentieth of a second faster than when an irrelevant word appeared.
I think this is evidence that the subject's brain is unknowingly processing hidden words down to their meaning.
Skeptics' rebuttal to Marcel's experiment
The subject's report at the end of the experiment, "I couldn't see any words,"There is no solid proof that they never saw the prime word.
The evaluation of whether the subject noticed the prime word is it needs to be as objective and meticulous as possible.
The prime word only looks real if it imposes secondary tasks such as letting the subject dare to guess what the hidden word is, or classify it according to specific criteria, and the grades are random. It can be said that it was not.
A report in Nature magazine by Seattle psychologist Anthony Greenwald in 1996.
He asked subjects to emotionally classify positive and negative words.
The prime words invisible to the subject were displayed prior to these visible target words.
Both target and prime pairs were positive or negative word combinations.
The experimental results showed that better results were obtained in case 1 than in case 2.
Case1 that reinforce each other's meaning (such as "happy" and "joy")
Case2 Inconsistent cases (such as "frape" and "joy")
At this time, it seemed that evidence was found that the emotional meaning was unknowingly activated,
Greenwald's own remorseful view.
The experiment used only a few words repeatedly.
Perhaps because the subject frequently responded to the same word in a limited amount of time,
It may be that the character string itself, not the meaning, was linked to "positive" or "negative".
In the experiment, the same words were repeatedly presented as prime words and target words, and subjects always classified them according to the same rules.
After the subject consciously classified the word "happy" as positive 20 times, the meaning of "character string <happy> positive>" was abandoned in the subject's brain, and the direct reaction pathway. May have been completed.
There was no doubt that priming happened below the threshold, but it turned out to be ignoring the meaning.
Greenwald first showed that prime words, which were reordered to be meaningless, were as effective as the correct ones. For example, both "happy" and "hypap" functioned as prime words with similar strength.
He then carefully manipulated the similarities between the words visible as targets and the hidden words presented as primes. In one definitive experiment, he displayed "tulip" and "humor" as targets.
Subjects naturally classified them as "positive." Greenwald then combined these two words and used the word "tumor," which has a negative meaning, to make it unconsciously displayed.
Notably, the negative word "tumor" unknowingly elicited a reaction that classified the target word as positive. kar He treated the subject's brain with the word "tumor" and the two words "tulip" and "humor" from which it was derived, in line with each other, despite their opposite meanings. I found out.
It turns out that Greenwald's experiments did involve unconscious perception, but not the deep meaning of the word.
The unconscious relies not on the meaning of the word,
but on the mapping of letters and reactions, so the process is not very smart.
The unconscious seems to work more than I thought,
Don't be too overconfident.