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It has been shown that humans can unknowingly add by approximation.

Updated: May 29, 2022

By studying "Study of Consciousness", I would like to think about my method and the coaching theory, such as unconscious rewriting.

This series of blog posts is my study note.


Bechara's verification seems to be just a test of intuition.

Intuition is different from solving a math problem, so further verification continues.

In an experiment by Dutch psychologist Ap Dixtelhuis, students were asked to choose one of two different types of cars with up to 12 characteristics and different characteristics.

Team A: I was given four minutes to think after reading the question.

Team B: After reading the question, I solved the anagram (wordplay) for 4 minutes.

The person who chose the best car is Team A (22%) vs Team B (60%)

(Similar case) Satisfaction with IKEA customers after four weeks

People who decided after thinking carefully <People who made impulse purchases without thinking carefully

Dixtelhois's experiments suggest that we solve problems unconsciously than through conscious effort.

As I have experienced, unconscious problem solving seems to be effective.

To get great insights.

  • "Let's sleep overnight and then come to a conclusion."

  • "Let's take a shower and relax while thinking freely."

It was not a mistake at all.

So can the unconscious solve all types of problems, or are some problems suitable for unconscious intuitional solutions?

Bechara's experiment and Dixtelhuis's experiment deal with similar problems.

In both experiments, subjects are required to weigh several parameters.

  • Bechara's experiments, unconscious the benefits and losses of drawing from each deck, must be carefully evaluated.

  • In the Dixtelhuis experiment, the choice must be based on the average of the evaluations based on 12 criteria.

When considered consciously, this type of decision puts a heavy burden on working memory (working memory, working memory).

Therefore, it is presumed that the subjects given the time to think in the Dixtelhuis experiment may not have achieved good results.

You've focused too much on one or two features without looking at the whole thing.

On the other hand, the unconscious process assigns value to a large number of items, averages them, and draws conclusions.

The summing or averaging of several positive and negative values ​​is a normal process that the primary neural circuit performs without consciousness.

Furthermore, in the experiments of Duanne et al., Humans unconsciously,

The experiments show that addition can be done by approximation.

Experiment 1

  • We flashed the five arrows and asked the subject which was more right-pointing and left-pointing.

  • I asked the subject to guess by masking the arrow to make it invisible.

  • They seemed to answer straightforwardly, but they did more than happen by chance.

Signals emanating from the parietal cortex demonstrated that their brains unknowingly estimated totals.

Therefore, although the arrow was not subjectively visible, it had reached the brain's evaluation and decision-making system.

  • Flashed eight numbers.

  • Four of them were visible to the subject, and the other four were invisible.

  • The subjects were then asked if their average was more significant than or less than 5.

  • The subject's answers were very accurate, and they considered all eight numbers.

    • If the average number of visible numbers was more significant than five and the average number of invisible numbers was less than 5, the subject was unconsciously biased and answered "less than 5."

    • The averaging calculation performed by the subject on the visible number was also applied to the unknowingly input number.

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